
When is the good time to purchase ticket to Japan?

This chart below shows when low fare tickets are coming out for going to Japan.

★★★★★ is the best travel date to get lowest fare air ticket.
You should purchase tickets 1 month before you travel.

     is high season. Always expensive.
You should purchase tickets 3-6 months before you travel, or the price will be going up.

Travel Date
12/25 - 1/ 1 ★★★★★
1/ 7 - 3/31 ★★★★★
4/ 1 - 4/24 ★★★★
4/25 - 5/15 ★★★
5/16 - 6/ 8 ★★
6/ 9 - 7/20 ★
7/21 - 8/24 ★★
8/25 - 10/22 ★★★
10/23 - 12/ 6 ★★★★★
12/ 7 - 12/14 ★★★
12/14 - 12/24 ★


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We, "TKTJAPAN," are one of the largest ticket-sellers in the country. Low cost airline tickets to Japan & Asia are our specialty. You can check price and purchase airline ticket online!

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Please visit our website, http://www.tktjapan.com/.

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